Aftercare (IASN)

Study highlights successful Iowa program for youth exiting foster care

AMES, Iowa – Iowa offers a successful model for serving youth exiting foster care, according to a new study.

Lead author Carl Weems is a professor and chair of human development and family studies at Iowa State University. He researches the risks and effects of trauma, along with prevention and interventions to bolster resilience.

Parenting: It's a Life (PIAL)

August 2024

ADMYRE FY24 Brief Report

CWRTP Graduate Assistant, Mikaela Scozzafava recently completed data analysis for the ADMYRE program. ADMYRE is a dating violence awareness program and stands for Advocating for My Relationships. Scozzafava analyzed data from the fall 2023 and spring 2024 ADMYRE sessions. The results show students overwhelmingly rated the ADMYRE program as excellent or good. When asked in the post-survey, How will you use what you’ve learned from the ADMYRE program in your relationships?, one student responded, "I will now know how to identify unhealthy signs and know how to tell someone about it."

You may review the brief report with the following link:

October 2023

Research report for PIAL's Expansion grant focusing on future teachers and professionals

CWRTP Postdoc Research Associate, Dr. Bethany McCurdy recently completed a research brief focused on engaging future teachers and human service professionals with the PIAL program to prepare them to implement PIAL components in their classrooms and organizations. Dr. McCurdy highlighted results from the fall 2021 and fall 2022 long report.

You may review the brief report with the following link: 

August 2023

ADMYRE FY23 Brief Report

CWRTP Graduate Assistant, Mikaela Scozzafava recently completed research for PIAL's ADMYRE (Advocating for My Relationships) program. ADMYRE is a dating violence awareness program. Scozzafava analyzed data from the fall 2022 and spring 2023 ADMYRE sessions.

You may review the brief report with the following link:

June 2023

Research reports for PIAL's College Sim

CWRTP Graduate Assistant, Mikaela Scozzafava recently completed research reports for objective 2 of the Parenting: It's a Life (PIAL) expansion grant. Scozzafava analyzed data from the fall 2022 College Sim sessions.

You may review each report with the following links:

April 2023

PIAL Objective 1 reports for 2021-2022 academic year complete

CWRTP Graduate Assistant, Bethany McCurdy (pictured above) recently completed research reports for the Parenting: It's a Life (PIAL) expansion grant. McCurdy analyzed data from academic year 2021-2022 for PIAL modules facilitated in schools across the state. This summer, McCurdy will have the opportunity to analyze similar data from the academic year 2022-2023.

You may review each report with the following links:

December 2022


CWRTP Graduate Assistant, Mikaela Scozzafava recently completed research reports for the ADMYRE program. Scozzafava analyzed data from spring 2021 from in-person PIAL facilitated ADMYRE offerings to schools across the state. These are the first research reports for ADMYRE. There will be additional follow-up analysis and reports as more data is collected.

July 2021

Where and how youth learn about establishing paternity, child support, and co-parenting

Theory and research suggest the importance of establishing paternity, co-parenting, and child support for positive child and youth development. However, youth’s relative knowledge of these topics is not well understood. Thus we examine these in the context of other parenting issues and how this information varied by parents, school/teachers, friends, and social media.

April 2021

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Report

A recent study conducted by Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Bethany McCurdy and others from CWRTP evaluated the effectiveness of PIAL’s TDVA. PIAL uses a TDV simulation obtained and adapted from the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence in 2017 to create awareness around TDV. PIAL delivers modules to youth in middle schools and high schools across Iowa and covers topics such as decisions and goals, peer pressure, and healthy relationships. Currently, the TDVS is a supplement to the module on healthy relationships and is an important addition to PIAL’s TDVA program.

Voluntary Paternity Affidavit (VPA)

December 2022

VPA Hospital Survey Report

CWRTP Graduate Assistant Alison White recently completed a research report related to the Voluntary Paternity Affidavit (VPA) hospital survey results, VPA rejection data and hospital score cards. The research Alison completed provided a clear path forward for targeted outreach to hospitals.