Through an agreement with YSS, Iowa State University’s Child Welfare Research & Training Project provides coordination and evaluation support for the Iowa Aftercare Services Network (IASN). The Iowa Aftercare Services Network (IASN) is a group of 8 nonprofit organizations across the state that support youth who have aged out of foster care or another out-of-home placement. We serve more than 500 young adults between the ages of 18 to 23 each year, helping them navigate a successful transition to adulthood. YSS has served as the lead agency of the IASN since 2002.
Iowa Aftercare Services Network (IASN)

Our Services
Youth who have experienced foster care can begin preparing for the transition to Core Aftercare several months prior to aging out of the system. Youth aged 17 or older can meet with a Self-Sufficiency Advocate (SSA) to begin exploring their options.
Core Aftercare
Aftercare supports young adults aged 18-21 who experienced court-ordered placement as a teenager. The program is completely voluntary. Participants work with a SSA to identify individual needs and work toward their goals in education, employment, housing, health, life skills and relationships.
As a Core Aftercare participant, you may be eligible for financial support:
- Preparation for Adult Living (PAL stipend): A monthly stipend based on factors such as age and income. You must have exited placement at age 18 or older and be enrolled in an education or work training program, and/or be employed.
- Vendor payments: Limited emergency assistance for those who do not qualify for the PAL stipend.
Extended Aftercare
Extended Aftercare is available for young adults that are 21 or 22 years of age. Extended Aftercare includes life skills training, periodic check-ins, and referrals to needed services. Program participants with demonstrated financial need may be eligible for limited financial assistance.

Learn more!
If you are interested in learning more about Aftercare services, explore our frequently asked questions page or reach out to our team.