Carl Weems

  • CWRTP Principal Investigator



4380 Palmer, 2222 Osborn Dr.
Ames, IA, 50011-1084

Basic and translational research in human development broadly with a focus on developmental psychopathology and emotional development as well as risk and resilience following traumatic stress. Research themes have included:
1) basic research testing contextual, bio-behavioral, and cognitive-developmental models of emotional development and dysregulation
2) development of assessment and measurement techniques
3) translational science, intervention and prevention.

Teaching interests

  • Statistics
  • Research methods
  • Human development

Example Recent Publications

Weems, C. F., McCurdy, B. H., Scozzafava, M. D., Pina, A. A., & Varela, R. E. (accepted for publication). A systematic review of experimental studies evaluating anti-racist program techniques for children and adolescents. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.

Weems, C.F., Russell, J.D., Herringa, R.D., & Carrión, V. G., (2021). Translating the neuroscience of adverse childhood experiences to inform policy and foster population level resilience. American Psychologist, 76(2), 188–202. DOI: 10.1037/amp0000780.

McCurdy, B.A., Weems, C.F., Rouse, H.L., Jeon, J., Bartel, M., Melby, J. N, Goudy, K., & Lee J. (2021). Parenting – It’s a Life: Where and how youth learn about establishing paternity, co-parenting and other parenting issues. Children and Youth Services Review, 126, 106023.

Weems C.F., Camp, R. Neill, E.L., & Scott, B.G., (2021). Developmental differences in child and adolescent reasoning about anxiety sensations. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45, 166–178. DOI: 10.1007/s10608-020-10182-5

Weems, C.F., Rouse, H.L., Melby, J.N., Jeon, S., Goudy, K., McCurdy, B.H., & Stanek, A.R. (2020). A partnership approach to paternity establishment: Child welfare research and training project ecological model and preliminary data. Families in Society, 101, 180-189. DOI: 10.1177/1044389419892273

Weems, C.F., Russell, J. D., Neill, E. L., & McCurdy, B. H. (2019). Annual research review: Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from a neurodevelopmental network perspective. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60, 395-408. doi:10.1111/jcpp.12996.

Neill, E.L., Weems C. F., & Scheeringa, M. S. (2018). CBT for child PTSD is associated with reductions in maternal depression: Evidence for bidirectional effects. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 41, 410-420. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2016.1212359

Weems, C.F., Osofsky, J.D., Osofsky, H.J., King, L. Hansel, T.C., & Russell, J.D. (2018). A three-year longitudinal study of perceptions of competence and well-being among youth exposed to disasters. Applied Developmental Science, 22, 29-42. DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2016.1219229.

Other information

Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science

Recipient of the ISU Award for Early Achievement in Departmental Leadership

Member of the Iowa Academy of Education

Principal investigator of the ISU Child Welfare Research and Training Project (CWRTP )

Co-Director of the ISU Translational Research Network (UTuRN )