Since joining the team in 2021, instructional designer Jenny Parker has shaped the Child Support Training Partnership (CSTP) into the fruitful program it is today. While Jenny was initially tasked with coordinating the newsletter, which was then the primary format of CSTP, she has since built the program into a multi-modal hub of communication for all child support staff.
Jenny says, “Child support [is] something that exists all over the country, and internationally as well. But it's so vastly different, not even state-to-state, but even county-to-county in some cases.” That’s why the mission of CSTP is to advance the current and future state of child support training through networking communication, and collaboration.
In its early days, the Child Support Training Partnership was largely connected through the newsletter and coordinated by multiple organizers and an advisory committee. As time went on and the needs of the program changed, Jenny eventually became the primary point of contact for all aspects of the program. Under Jenny’s direction, the program garnered a large audience featuring members from all 50 states and numerous tribes and territories. As this audience grew so did the demand for connection, and the program evolved. Alongside the newsletter, staff can now engage through conference calls, interactive networking calls, and even a LinkedIn group. “It’s just bringing people together and giving kind of an open forum for people to share,” Jenny explained.
With over 700 members in CSTP, Jenny does a great job of ensuring that everybody has an opportunity to share information about topics that interest them. From speaking at networking calls to sharing resources and materials through the newsletter, participants are always encouraged to share not only their thoughts but also things that they’ve learned. Topics such as accessibility and equity are often on the agenda, exposing members to perspectives they may not have previously considered. All of these opportunities come as a result of the terrific work that Jenny has put into the program.
When asked about the most rewarding part of working on CSTP, Jenny said, “When people are able to connect in real-time with each other…and to see people willing to help.” Her dedication to connecting child support staff has allowed the program to grow into the melting pot of opinions and knowledge that it is today!