ISU Trainer to be honored for service at Iowa State

Martha posing with her 25 year award

Martha Stewart (pictured), ISU Trainer, will be honored by Iowa State University for her 25 years of service. The 25 Year Club “honors the loyal service of Iowa State University faculty, professional & scientific and merit staff members.”

Stewart has many memories over her 25 years at Iowa State, but her reflections start before her professional career began. Her dad was a professor in physics, computer science, electrical engineering, and computer engineering. Though she went to Grinnell College as an undergraduate, she came back to Ames for graduate school. She pursued Master’s degrees in anthropology and economics.

One of her favorite memories was during her graduate student career, as a teaching assistant for the human osteology lab course and field assistant for archaeology. She describes both graduate student positions as, “REALLY fun!!”

After receiving two Master’s degrees, Stewart began working at the ISU Center for Research in Rural Mental Health, eventually becoming the field director, where she designed survey questionnaires and hired and trained field interviewers. She was also the database administrator for the Contracts and Grants Office (now Sponsored Programs), where she oversaw the upgrade to Oracle, supervised students, and trained ISU staff on reporting software.

She now works as an ISU Trainer at the Child Welfare Research and Training Project (CWRTP). Other than her days as a graduate assistant, this is her favorite professional position to date. She has worked on many training projects, from Voluntary Paternity Affidavits to Prisoner Reentry Simulation.

Stewart explained that she has stayed at Iowa State and in Ames for 25 years because she is familiar with the area and feels that Ames is a good place for a family. She loves Ames and the university setting.

In the future, Stewart sees herself continuing to work at CWRTP. She’s also looking forward to volunteering, reading, and traveling upon retirement.

Congrats on 25 Years, Martha! Here’s to many more!