CWRTP student employee honored for outstanding work

Jo Ann and Courtney posing together behind a giant, pretend picture frame.

Courtney Mull (pictured) is an undergraduate student employee at the Child Welfare Research and Training Project. Her main duties include presenting PIAL's teen pregnancy prevention modules in 7th-12th grade classrooms across the state, as well as, present and/or exhibit at conferences, attend regular PIAL meetings, assists with the social media campaigns and collaborates on special events. Mull is a senior in elementary education at Iowa State University.

Mull was recently honored as a nominee for Iowa State’s Student Employee of the Year award. Students are nominated based on their reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism, and unique contributions.

Jo Ann Lee (pictured with Mull), PIAL’s outreach coordinator, decided to nominate Mull because, "Courtney has been a valuable addition to the PIAL team this year. Her diligent work to create the publication of PIAL's alignment with FCS standards that may vastly increase the opportunity to reach more students across the state of Iowa.  But, also, her authentic and intentional pursuit of making a difference in the lives of the students she and her fellow team members interact with."

Congratulations, Courtney! PIAL and CWRTP are lucky to have you as a student employee!