CWRTP and YPII collaborate on new study

A screenshot of the first page of the Kinship report

Following the passing of the Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First), CWRTP and the Youth Policy Institute of Iowa (YPII) collaborated on the study Assessing Kinship Caregiver Engagement and Support to illuminate the strengths and opportunities of kinship caregiving for the Kinship Project. They studied the experiences of 20 families from the viewpoints of case managers, kinship caregivers, foster parents, parents, and youth. The study report provides recommendations to improve the identification, engagement, and support of kinship caregivers in Iowa based on the research results.

Principal Investigator Dr. Tera Jordan said, “We were delighted to again partner with Youth Policy Institute of Iowa and attend to critical issues impacting vulnerable children in the state of Iowa. This work highlights important avenues for researchers and practitioners to pursue to stabilize the well-being of children and families.”

Through the course of the study, researchers noted how important it is to recognize the removal of a child from their home as a traumatic experience-an observation confirmed by research. This is why they stress the importance of a system of services and supports that maintains as much family stability as possible while ensuring a child’s safety.

About the Kinship Project:
The Youth Policy Institute of Iowa (YPII), in collaboration with ISU and other key stakeholders, proposes to assess the barriers and challenges that families and social workers face in identification, engagement, and support of kinship caregiving. Findings will inform policy and practice decisions made by the Iowa Department of Human Services as it seeks to promote kinship care and placement in family like settings when a child’s removal from home is necessary.